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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dissecting Codex: Space Marines First Big GT Winning List

Hey all, Kevin here to talk about Codex Space Marines. We all know by now that they have won the FOB: Open (and I believe another smaller GT earlier this month but I cannot remember which one). Now we can debate over whether it was a good first true test of the codex since it was the Open and not the Invitational. Yet as a player at the event I can say that most of the Marine White Scars lists were in the Open and not the Invitational and a player did win the third bracket, no small feat saying that players like Alan Bajramovic were all the way down in the 6th bracket as well as everyone else being technically a tournament winner. I can say that through my time in the Invi. and in the 5th bracket I did not play a Space Marine player at all. There were only 9 SM players in the Invitational total of the 110 players.

Although none of the names we are use to reading were in the Open, it is no small feat to come to the top of a GT. I have played a few of the Open players before and they are not push overs. It also saw quite a few Eldar and Tau players bringing the "Top Lists". Also although the terrain did vary, in some cases was better that the Invitational IMHO, the missions were still all Book Missions. So we know the list can do well when we are playing straight out of the book.

Before going any further lets look at the winning list....Beating out 49 other players to win the Open is....

Dan May's White Scars/Dark Angels

Khan on Moondrakkan 
Chapter Master on Bike, Artificer Armor, PF, Shield Eternal
Command Squad on Bikes w/ Apothacary
4 bikes w/ 1 Attack Bike w/ MM, 2 Gravguns, 1 Combi Grav 
4 bikes w/ 1 Attack Bike w/ MM, 2 Gravguns, 1 Combi Grav
4 bikes w/ 1 Attack Bike w/ MM, 2 Gravguns, 1 Combi Grav
4 bikes w/ 1 Attack Bike w/ MM, 2 Gravguns, 1 Combi Grav
5 bikes w/ 2 Flamers
Stormtalon w/ Skyhammer Missiles  
Stormtalon w/ Skyhammer Missiles
Thunderfire Cannon
Thunderfire Cannon

Librarian lvl 1 on bike, Power Axe 
5 Scouts, Snipers, Missile Launcher, Camo Cloaks

Now we do know how good Khan and gang is a good list concept, but how did it do well?

Well it has 6 scoring options that can move 24" in a turn. It is made up of bodies that have T5, 3+/4+C, hit and run, etc. It is boasting gravy and melta. so it can deal with any tank or tough unit.

It also has two Talons to deal with flyers as well as thunderfire canons because.....they are just thunderfire cannons and are auto takes right now.

Other than that it is quite simple. One factor it also has is the Biker command squad, a unit many know I am a fanboy of. It hides in it the ideal Chapter Master set up as well a a prescience libby. This unit, in my opinion, is one of the best deathstars in the game right now. Alone that Chapter Master is a beast yet FNP on him is ever so sweet. I personally like to load out the squad a bit more myself. Yes its a points sink but is very underestimated by anyone I have played against with it.

He did use Dark Angels for the Token Prescience libby, but hey at least now we can say Dark Angels helped win a GT.......I still like a Space Wolf Rune Priest on bike with runic armor better to help out with the last real psychic denial marine option.

Overall this is a simple and effective list I believe can win a number of GT's right now. Although we still need it to win one of the bigger GT's competitive track tournaments signs are looking good right now. It has excellent awnsers to both Eldar and Tau as well as Daemons. So only more time and more GT's can tell if this is the Meta breaker army we want. I kow I will be dropping my Eldar to play this army here on out.


  1. I am not getting the why he took the command squad with no upgrades, other than wound soak.

    Could have run the DA command squad for the plasma, GL, and banner for auto hit and run, while retaining the apothecary...though it is a bit more could lose one of the Gravy Bike squads, and take a another scout squad to make the switch.

  2. What answer does this list have to "Screamer-star"? Gravs are pretty useless against Daemons.

    I guess locking them in place with the Chapter Master? I would think through attrition that the Screamers would eventually chew through his armour and wounds.

  3. That chapter master could tie up screamer star with the command squad for a good while, he also had khan and the libbie in there which could push the envelope.

    Command squad Im pretty sure was just for FNP and wound soak.

  4. a good screamer star player would most likely ignore that squad and go after the rest of the list. Screamer star isn't by itself in a vacumn keep in mind. There is other stuff going on that's killing your shit if your tarpitting it.

  5. All good points, dont know if he ran into one at the open, I dont beleive there was any anyway.Heck I was in the Invitational and didnt play tau or screamerstar once

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